Dearest Brethren, I am a father of 14 children. All the years I have worked in different Jobs trying to support them. My family lives in a poverty-stricken situation since I have married off 10 of my oldest children in the last few years.
Even though I gave them very little help, my meager contributions added up to a very great amount, which I had to borrow in order to pay back the debts each month.
The sum was tens of thousands of dollars. Since the debts became very hard on my heart and nerves, a week after the Sheva Brachos of my fourth daughter, I fainted in the middle of davening, and I had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital where I was diagnosed with mono.
I had to rest for twenty months before I was able to get out of bed.
Since then I cannot support my family. They are asking me for bread to eat and clothing to wear, but due to my health situation, I am unable to work and provide for them.
Now, I just marreid off my 10’th son, but even the wedding was in the most basic simple way it ws way beyond my means.
Therefore, I request that all Jewish brothers and neighbors give generously to help me out of my dire situation. For this may you be blessed with all the blessings in the Sefer Torah.