We are the parents of two boys, and two twin girls 1.5 years old.
These kids were born to us after 15 painful years of endless medical treatments, that cost us thousands of dollars which we are still in debt from.
This year, 3 days before Rosh Hashana our life turned around and was changed dramatically!
After a routine blood test, instead of going home we were headed to the hospital, our one year old Yarden Chaya was found sick with Leukemia and needs an urgent bone marrow transplant!
No need to mention..our life was over!
Since then i had to leave my job, and i spend most of the day at the hospital with our Yarden Chaya, while my wife is home taking care of the rest of our little kids.
You can just imagine how broken we are spiritually and financially.
Forget the physical pain and difficulties, we were from the givers and always helped others, and now we are here begging for your help to cover the endless treatments and medical bills, and even our daily basics.
The stress and worries are bringing us down and we feel like we just can’t any more.
We are asking and pleading for you to open your hearts, and help us as much as you can so at least the financial burden will ease off our shoulders, and we will be able to focus on our baby Chaya.
בברכה שתמיד תהיו מהנותנים ולא מהמקבלים!
Please open your heart and donate $107 so we can reach the goal of $53,500 with the help of 500 generous people like you!