We’re asking you to join the 1000 people who are pledging $177 so we can reach the $177,000 goal we need for all medical expenses


Dear Achim,

My son Baruch Eliezer was born with severe hydrocephalus, severe cerebral palsy, and a crushed optic nerve causing visual impairment.
He is wheelchair bound and requires complete nursing care.
By his second birthday he had 27 surgeries and 10 more over the following 10 years including a tracheotomy.
At 14 years old he lives at home with 24 hours a day of nursing, has a ventilator at night, and is fed by g-tube.
It is very expensive and exhausting to care for him.
Most recently in the matziv of Coronavirus, my wife lost her job which cut our already minimal income that wasn’t making ends meet while she was employed. Although our income has decreased, our expenses continue to build. There is also a home nursing shortage, which has left us with many open shifts, increasing our physical and emotional exhaustion.
As many baalei chesed would like to help us with nursing, at least you could help with our financial burden.
I am asking for whoever sees this to please open your heart and help me as best as you can.
Hashem should bentch you with good health, parnassa, and simcha and bring Mashiach bimheirah biyameinu.

Check you can make out to: Tomchei Tzedaka corp.

Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701


For Zelle / PayPal: [email protected]


Checks can be made out to: World of Tzedaka.

Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701
Please specify FOR KEREN BARUCH ELIEZER #10096#

For Zelle / PayPal: [email protected]
Please specify FOR KEREN BARUCH ELIEZER #10096#

For campaign: KEREN BARUCH ELIEZER #10096#

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‘World Of Tzedaka’, previously ’Tomchei Tzedaka Corp’, changed its name as per the guidance of Lakewood’s Posek, Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer shlit”a, to avoid confusion with similarly-named organizations.