“Keren David” about us
The jewish world takes much pride in its mutual assistance, communities getting together to help each other out in trying times.
This famous mutual assistance only grew since Covid broke out, and hurt many families all over the world financially, physically and socially.
‘Keren Dovid’ is considerably a new organization, though since its foundation 2 years ago, it has been overflowing with thousands of calls from from families, some who were always in a difficult situation, and some who just joined recently due to the Coronavirus crises. Originally ‘Keren Dovid’ was founded with its mission to guarantee that no child in Israel will be left hungry.
Before any Yom Tov, Israel is known for its outstanding mutual aid and assistance programs. But what happens the rest of the year? In the cold winter days? In the hot summer days? In those months that have no Yom Tov or holidays.
Who takes care then of those families in need? Who starts their day thinking of those hungry children who are dreaming about a hot filling meal? At this point, is where the angels of ‘Keren Dovid’ come in to action.
The organization assists thousands of families in need all over the country, especially in the religious communities. This assistance consists of food boxes distributions, clothing and medication drives, school supplies and even financial aid.
The founder and CEO of the organization is Rabbi Yisrael Evyatar Elbaz, a known communal and social activist from Yerushalayim, who also founded ‘Hatzolah Alone’ a search and rescue organization a few years ago.
Today, Rabbi Elbaz is dedicated day and night for one holy mission: to do everything in his power so children never experience hunger.
Check you can make out to: Tomchei Tzedaka corp.
Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701
For Zelle: [email protected]