We, Eli’s parents are begging you to join the 500 donors of $163 so we reach the $81,500 goal we desperately need for our Eli to be like everyone else.


Eli is handicap for the past year, with many fractured bones including the Talus bone, and has limited movements.
A year ago, Eli left to school in the morning like all the other kids, and his mother waited for him to come home like every other day.
But that didn’t happen, a fast passing bus hit the 6 year old Eli causing him serious injuries.
Eli’s mother that was waiting to hear him walk in the home and give him a hug, instead heard the brake grinding of the bus wheels that crushed her young Eli.
When she ran outside to see what happened, she saw her little Eli under the wheels unconscious and knew its bad.
Eli lost conscious for a long time and suffered from serious physical injuries.
Eli started therapy right after he woke up, and will need to continue it for a long time.
Eli’s parents want him to be able to walk again on his feet on his own, they want him to get back to the way he was before this terrible accident.
Eli now needs a special surgery and a reconstruction of the foot bones, with metal screws and plates, so the injury wont effect his growing foot.
This is a complicated procedure as he is such a young child.
After that he will need professional physical therapy for a while until they are able to preform a follow up surgery.
And after all that Eli will still have limited movements and will need years of intense physical therapy.

But this can not happen without your HELP!
Eli’s family can not cover these expensive procedures alone.
Delaying this surgery and other procedures will cause even more long term damage!
Eli is pleading for your HELP!


We, Eli’s parents are begging you to join the 500 donors of $163 so we reach the $81,500 goal we desperately need for our Eli to be like everyone else.

Checks can be made out to: World of Tzedaka.

Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701
Please specify FOR KEREN ELI SEGAL #10097-11

For Zelle / PayPal: [email protected]
Please specify FOR KEREN ELI SEGAL #10097-11

For campaign: KEREN ELI SEGAL #10097-11

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‘World Of Tzedaka’, previously ’Tomchei Tzedaka Corp’, changed its name as per the guidance of Lakewood’s Posek, Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer shlit”a, to avoid confusion with similarly-named organizations.