We’re asking you to join the 500 people who are pledging $100 so we can reach the $50,000 goal we need

On כ”ד אלול, the Yahrtzeit of the “Chofetz Chaim”, Mrs. Shoshana Leah Weiss was called to Gan Eden.
Eight months later, her son hears the plate brake, “Mazel Tov” is shouted by the crowd of family and friends. Dovid’s time has come to build a Jewish home of his own.


As the sun goes down in Bnai Brak, family members around the table shout Mazel Tov and drink Lechayim.
The Chosson Dovid, after six years of his mother’s illness and passing, has become a Chosson with his Bashert. This is after six years of his mother being ill with the cancer R”L and all of these years being at her side to assist her every need,
His mother was taken to the operation room for a non Machalah related procedure.

Before the operation she spoke to him on the phone and told him that she loves him, and at that very operation an infection was a strong level of anxiety on the doctors’ faces, a few days later, was the Yetzias Neshomah.
Mrs. Shoshana Leah Weiss A”H was a Tzadeikes that learnt every day two halochos from the sefer Shmiras Haloshon for nearly twenty years! She was very Makpid that nobody should speak Loshon Hora in her house, and especially not by the Shabbos table, even at the peak of her illness.
On כ”ד אלול, the Yahrtzeit of the “Chofetz Chaim”, she was called to Gan Eden.
Eight months later, her son hears the plate brake, “Mazel Tov” is shouted by the crowd of family and friends. Dovid’s time has come to build a Jewish home of his own.

The basic Chasunah needs aren’t even barely covered yet, and it is now your Zechus to take part in marrying off a Yosem that gave away precious years to be at his mother’s side.

Check you can make out to: Tomchei Tzedaka corp.

Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701


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Checks can be made out to: World of Tzedaka.

Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701
Please specify FOR KEREN FAMILY WEISS #10126-11

For Zelle / PayPal: [email protected]
Please specify FOR KEREN FAMILY WEISS #10126-11

For campaign: KEREN FAMILY WEISS #10126-11

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‘World Of Tzedaka’, previously ’Tomchei Tzedaka Corp’, changed its name as per the guidance of Lakewood’s Posek, Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer shlit”a, to avoid confusion with similarly-named organizations.