My wife became sick with cancer and had to undergo serious hospital treatments. She can not function.


Dear Friend,
I need your help desperately.

I am baal teshuvah of 25 years. I live in Yerushalayim and work as a Sofer Stam. I am married with 8 children.
My family and I recently went through an unbearable time. My wife became sick with cancer and had to undergo serious hospital treatments. She could not function. I was functioning both as father and mother. The burden of the entire house and the care of the children has fell on my shoulders, and I also went with my wife to the difficult treatments she had to endure.

It was impossible for me to work and support my family.

The house was in a state of collapse. I spent most of my time in the hospital with my wife, and the house was barely functioning.
Especially, since I recently married off two of my children over the period of just a few months, while I was still dealing with my wife’s illness, and trying to put my house back to normalcy. But this has made my financial situation much worse by adding more debt to our difficult situation.
We are literally in financial collapse. We owe a great deal for rent, and we’re not managing to meet even our day-to-day expenses. The huge debts weigh upon me day and night.

I need your urgent help to help me pay the rent, pay my creditors, and restore normalcy to my work and my family’s life.
Don’t leave us to drown in debt and lose everything!
May Hashem shower you with only goodness and brachah!


Checks can be made out to: World of Tzedaka.

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Please specify FOR THE DOV FUND

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‘World Of Tzedaka’, previously ’Tomchei Tzedaka Corp’, changed its name as per the guidance of Lakewood’s Posek, Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer shlit”a, to avoid confusion with similarly-named organizations.