Dear Friend הי”ו ,
With great gratitude to Hashem, we have been successful in establishing the Organization Tikva L’dorot in Israel, which aids thousands of unfortunate childless couples throughout Israel, in their difficult struggle to overcome infertility.
I’ll mention just a few of our projects:
1. Our most important and most expensive project is the constant funding of Fertility Treatments for these childless couples, naturally the only chance of bearing their own child, is by trying to go through the various available medical treatments. Although Fertility Treatments are much cheaper in Israel due to the coverage of Kuppot Cholim, yet there is an accumulation of deductibles which falls on the couples and eventually brings many of them to a point that it’s impossible for them to proceed, and they are therefore not able to attain the necessary treatment.
In some cases, their problem is so severe, and the medical treatments that can help are so extremely expensive, that Kupot Cholim rejects any coverage whatsoever. For example, several couples that now need a Uterus Transplant at Baylor Hospital in Texas, are beg us for funding!
2. Every few weeks we set up and fund receptions for consultation with the top of the line fertility experts where we arrange appointments for tens of couples at each reception, at no cost for the couples.
3. We print and distribute a magazine with important information about infertility, treatments, and incredible inspiration for those couples in dire need.
4. We arrange meetings of big fertility Doctors with distinguished Rabbanim to consult and exchange Halachic responses with updates on the latest developments in this field.
As I have mentioned though, the biggest expense we have is the Funding of Fertility Treatments in which we fund treatments for every couple for at least the cost of $ 1,800.
We kindly turn to you to consider the current difficult times, and please do the very best of your ability. Donating this exorbitant cost of the amount of $ 1,800 which we fund for each couple; will be greatly appreciated.
I am sure that in the merit of this great Mitzvah, Hashem will grant you and your whole family with loads of Health, Wealth, Happiness, and bunches of Nachas and Hashem should shower you all your heart may desire.
Sincerely yours,
The Tikva L’dorot, Board of Directors.
Check you can make out to: Tomchei Tzedaka corp.
Mail: P.o Box 1003, Lakewood NJ 08701
For Zelle: [email protected]