Shlomo and his wife are constantly caring for their 5 children, two of them suffering from a rare genetic disease!
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1B is very rare, there’s less than 200 cases in the world! And two of them are in this family!
A week after their third child was born their lives suddenly changed forever! And that happened again when their fifth child was born!
They discovered a new reality! With weekly and extended hospitalizations, for treatments and complications.
And now that they’re back home their children require constant care, with daily stat monitoring, a special diet, feeding tubes, medications, inhalers, therapy, oxygen, sleepless nights, and living the fear that any moment things can turn to the worse in a matter of a few seconds!
Please help Yosef and Avrohom get the ultimate care available!
Their bedroom turned in to a mini hospital! The construction and the upkeep is very costly!
There are also more treatments that can help them, but the cost is out of reach!
Please help the Zaivald’s pay off what they already owe for the current necessary medical expenses! So they can focus and give more time caring for their children.
Shlomo and his wife both work as much as possible. But that does not cover the tremendous expenses their children’s condition requires.